Our Mission
Our mission is to provide an educational opportunity for academically talented youths with limited economic resources.
About Us
It’s not about water under the bridge, burning bridges to the ground, or crossing bridges when we come to them.
Because the real difference between a lackluster life and one of legends lies in bridging the gap between aptitude and opportunity.
After all, 4 babies are born each and every second. That’s 345,600 brand new people on the planet a day, nearly bursting with potential and holding the power to change the world forever.
So why don’t we have more superstars stepping up and taking charge?
Because their highest potential
gets pushed off their list of priorities.

Students Helped

Our History
Here at Bridgeway, we support those thinkers who are ready to step out from the crowd. We assist students whose minds are on an unrelenting mission to not only better themselves, but to change the world, from their neighborhoods to neighboring counties, countries across the globe, and history as a whole.
There’s strength in our support, ensuring that finances aren’t the only thing getting in the way of their brand new way of thinking, mentoring them as they sculpt the society around them, and offering up ample opportunities to help others. It’s about giving promising people the attention, advisement and nurturing they need to make their impactful action happen.
We know that when these revolutionaries experience academic success, their lives improve tenfold. We know the landscape for global economic competitiveness in the United States begins to flourish.
And we know that we can’t do it all alone.
Thanks to generous people like you, Bridgeway College Fund, Inc. has awarded more than $175,000 in academic scholarships since 2006. This financial support has allowed us to unleash the academic and personal potential in countless college students who can’t wait to pay it forward.
By focusing on the future of S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering + Math) scholars, we’re getting ahead in global competitiveness and priming these professionals to solve the most complex problems the world has to offer such as cancer, global warming, third world hunger, disappearing habitats, and an interdependent global economy, just to name a few
Hope and promise are our world’s most valuable currency. Your generosity will help to shape entire generations. Working together, we will create a circle of success that begins with our benefactors and slides seamlessly into brilliant new societal shifts that benefit us all.